Sunday, September 1, 2013

Winner winner, church and dinner!

I'm not going to lie, I think today's post is going to be a LITTLE lame.  Partly because I forgot to take a picture of the church building today.  I know, how could I forget Sister Nielson's first picture pretty much every time she went to a branch!?!?But alas, I can describe it to you!  There isn't a real building unfortunately.  It's a converted office building.  However, the location is right by the metro, so it's extremely accessible.  It also has large windows in the front that I honestly love.  I just have this thing about natural light that I think really makes a room or a building so much brighter.  So I was extremely grateful for the windows.  Secondly, I met this amazing family, but I can't remember their names!!!  I know the husband's name is Michael, and that their son and daughter are Victoria and Arthur, but I don't know their last names and I don't remember the wife's name!  So I'm pretty sketchy on the details of today.
  Church was interesting.  There are five Sunday Schools.  One is in French, one is in English, one is in Spanish, and then there are two Gospel principles classes in French and English.  The elder's quorum president is Armenian, and he says the opening exercises in Russian, which is then translated into English, which is in turn translated in French.  It was quite an experience, but I really liked it.  The bishop is American, and he does pretty much everything in English, and you can tell that there are a variety of cultures represented in the ward.  Really, I loved the spread of it all.
  After church I went over to this amazing family's house, who I became close friends with even over one afternoon.  I actually have friends again!!!  I also don't have a picture of them, which is ALSO terrible.  I know, this is like a blog post with ZERO details and everything is just left to your imagination :-)  He is from Sweden and she is from France, and they just moved to Brussels two weeks ago.  He is doing an internship with a lobbyist groups for municipalities and regions within the EU, and she is taking care of their two children.  A conversation at their house is amazing.  The two of them talk to one another in English, he speaks Swedish with their kids, she speaks French to them, his wife is learning Swedish, and he knows French from his mission, which he served in Brussels and northern France.  We had spaghetti and carbonara sauce for dinner, which is one of my favorite European meals, complete with tomato and mozzarella cheese.  Yum!  Afterwards we went for a walk and just talked about a variety of stuff.  They were absolutely amazing, and it is so nice to once again have friends.  I imagine that we will be spending lots of time together!

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